Fact Friday #7

Welcome to our seventh Fact Friday!

This Friday we are talking about intermittent fasting. Some of you may already know about this, but still grab your notebook, pen and take notes. Extra information never hurts!

As we all know summer is coming in a few months. After all, at the time this Fact Friday was written. So now is the perfect time to put your head down, put on your workout clothes, put on some good music and hit the gym to get your body ready for summer. But what's a good way to get ready for summer besides exercising consistently and eating well? That's what we're going to discuss in this Fact Friday. 

How does intermittent fasting work??

Intermittent fasting is a well-known method for losing excess fat while preserving and, if done correctly, increasing muscle mass. Intermittent fasting is a method in which you only consume calories for a certain number of hours per day. In the remaining hours, no calorie should be consumed to get the best effect. Most people do an 8/16 split, which means you're only taking in calories for 8 hours a day and drinking water for the rest of the 16 hours.

Intermittent fasting works because after about 12 hours of fasting, your body has used up virtually all of the calories from your food and fluid intake and starts consuming excess body fat. So for about 4 hours a day, your body is literally eating its own fat! If you combine this with strength training or cardio you'll probably be ready for summer before you know it. We at Gym Natural have had good experiences with this. You can always message us if you want to know more about these experiences.


We have to admit that opinions about intermittent fasting are divided. Some studies show promising results when it comes to intermittent fasting while on the other hand some studies suggest that the effect is minimal. The conclusion we draw from this is that it depends on the person whether intermittent fasting works well or not. Well, why not try it out?

Finally, it goes without saying, but this is definitely not diet advice. Always do your own research and consult your doctor before starting a diet, fasting, or making other dietary changes.